Give your family a fighting chance!

Boost Your Immunity Naturally in Uncertain Times (Body, Spirit & Soul)

Don’t feel helpless in these trying times. Equip your family to better fight off diseases. No more tossing and turning at night, wondering if what you feed your family are the right foods.

Don’t spend any more time searching for Biblically-sound, immunity-boosting tips and whole-food plant-based recipes.

I’ve got you.


Have a better chance of fighting off disease and say buh-bye to energy crashes, so that you can carry out God’s plan for your life.

What you’ll discover:

  • Understand Your Immune System – Appreciate your body as a temple to fight off disease.

  • Optimize Your Immune System – Discern how you can keep your immune system (and those of your family members) in top shape.

  • Protect Your Immune System – What to avoid that could jeopardize your health.

  • Boost Your Immune System – The top 15 foods that boost your immunity to influence your overall health.

  • Nourish Your Immune System – 10 immunity-boosting, plant-based recipes. No more guesswork about how to combine the top 15 immunity-boosting foods for family-approved, delicious meals.

    Includes amazing photos of all the dishes, so you know what the finished product looks like!

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Hey there!

I’m Bella.

I’m happy you’re here. I know how hard it is to provide tasty, healthy meals for a family every day, day in and day out.

It isn’t easy to cater to each family member’s different tastes and have enough energy to prepare a nice meal at the end of a long day.

You’d rather have more free time to spend with your family or go to bed at a decent hour than slave for hours in the kitchen.

You’re frustrated with energy crashes after mealtimes leaving you unable to keep up with your kids.

You want to optimize your family’s health to be able to carry out God’s plan for you in this world.

That’s why I help Christian moms like you transition to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and a former veggie hater. I can walk you through this transition to a plant-based, Christ-centered lifestyle because I walk the path myself.

This FREE Immunity-Boosting Guide helps you get started and takes the guesswork out of what’s best to feed your family.

As 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 goes, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”

This guide was created with you in mind.

I know you’re busy.

I know every minute counts.

This no-fluff, free guide includes faith-based advice and delicious, easy to prepare, immunity-boosting recipes.

Let me help you nutritionally boost the food you’re putting on the table without sacrificing taste.

May God Bless you in your journey of discovery.

Your sister in Christ,
